Dillard’s has been an American retail staple since its inception in the 1930’s when William T. Dillard opened his first store in Nashville, Arkansas. Little did he know that this first store would grow to become a family heirloom and catapult the Dillard’s to becoming one of America’s richest families.
Fast forward to today and Dillard’s stands with the likes of Macy’s, J.C. Penny’s and Kohl’s, offering the American consumer everything from bathing suits to bath towels. An operation this large takes a number of people to keep it running everyday, including those involved in the marketing of such a large, successful chain. Marketing requires models to feature their clothing and other products that sell so well at malls and strip centers across America.
Becoming a model for such a large chain takes a well crafted plan and the know how on getting to the right decision makers. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to become a model for Dillard’s, use these tips and your chances will skyrocket that you will be seen as one of the fresh new faces on one of their store kiosks or in their weekly flier.
Know Dillard’s model requirements
Dillard’s usually likes to work with two types of models. Fashion models and commercial models are two types of modeling that Dillard usually searches for.
Fashion Models
Fashion Models are generally who you see walk the catwalk and grace the pages of high fashion magazines such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan. These models are generally tall, slim and fit. Designers like to work with these models because their clothing fits this body type in an appealing way, helping them to market their designs to consumers.
As a general rule, fashion models should be no shorter than 5’9 for women and 6’2 for males. Models should be well hydrated, lean and somewhat muscular. Measurements for women are typically a 34 inch bust, 24 inch waist and a 34 inch hip. These are only general rules, and these rules are made to be broken when it comes to commercial modeling.
Commercial Models
Dillard’s also uses commercial models for their print advertising. In commercial modeling it isn’t crucial that you adhere to all of the requirements of a fashion model. Commercial modeling tends to focus on a broader audience that appeals to the general public, where fashion modeling is more artistic in nature and is meant to entice a certain exclusive audience.
Commercial modeling requires appealing facial structure, healthy hair and glowing skin. The camera tends to focus on the face as its focal point so these features must be at their optimal appearance. Height and weight do not matter as much in commercial modeling as long as body proportions are somewhat equal.
Commercial models also must know how to pose for the camera. As an aspiring model, you will want to study the posed of those who have come before you. Make sure you look at as many Dillard’s advertisements as possible and practice in the mirror. You also may want to invest in a modeling class from a reputable company if you are just starting out.
Ensure you have good digitals
Your body and your face are your instruments in modeling. You need to construct the best tool for your career that you can by designing a portfolio that will help you get the kind of jobs that align with your dreams and goals. If you don’t have a portfolio, you don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to have professional looking digitals that represent you and can catch the eye of a retailer like Dillard’s.
Chances are that you already have someone in your life that can take clear, professional looking photos for you. Make sure that you have a photo of your face, both smiling and not smiling. Include a full body shot that features your figure so that casting agents can see how clothing will fit you. Make sure you aren’t overly made up and that your hair is in a natural style that isn’t too distracting. Include your measurements, any experience that you may have and any hobbies that might showcase your personality.

Apply to the right modeling agencies
Dillard’s tends to pull models from two areas, from the Miami market and the Little Rock, Arkansas market. There are ample large agencies in the Miami market in which to apply. You can try applying to Next Management, Wilhelmina and Elite. Applying to larger agencies, such as these, can be daunting. But don’t let the rejection get you down. This is part of the industry and something you will have to get used to. You may need to apply several times before you get a call back and the process can take months. Do not get deterred.
In the mean time, you can also apply to Dillard’s source for local models. Since the headquarters for Dillard’s is located in Little Rock, Arkansas, applying to agencies here is a good idea. One agency in particular is responsible for supplying Dillard’s with many of their models. The Agency, Inc. is a smaller agency that represents models primarily in Arkansas and the surrounding states. However, if you get signed with this agency, your chances of being chosen as a model for Dillard’s will increase tenfold.
Partake in a Dillard’s Fashion Show
Dillard’s still believes in the power of the mall fashion show, which is great for those models that are just starting out. Participating in a Dillard’s fashion show accomplishes many goals. By walking the catwalk, you will get noticed by the department store heads and the people that can jumpstart your career. You may also be asked to do additional work for the retailer. After you do the show, you will have a great item to add to your resume. Experience at a Dillard’s fashion show looks fabulous on your portfolio. Additionally, you will also gain experience as a runway model and be able to practice your walk and the movements that it takes to excel at this type of modeling.
Dillard’s is always holding fashion shows, however, the big shows to look for are the “Back to School” shows and the “Spring Fashion” shows. Follow Dillard’s on social media to keep informed of any upcoming shows and be one of the first to apply.
Becoming a model for Dillard’s is a worth while goal that will teach you much in the process. From constructing a great portfolio to learning how to walk the runway, you will learn skills that will take you from a novice to a professional in no time. This will catch the attention of Dillard’s casting directors, getting to your desired goal, to be a Dillard’s model.