The catwalk.
There’s nothing like it, when it comes to modeling. The music, the lights, the famous names in the audience, the creative designs, and of course, the gorgeous faces that make it happen all culminate into one fantastic show. Runway modeling is the ultimate in artful creation in the realm of high fashion and there’s not a more famous platform than New York City’s Fashion Week.
You’ve seen Kate Moss, Gigi Hadid and Cindy Crawford grace the stage. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to be a high profile, famous name to walk the runway at NYC Fashion Week. Household names like Linda Evangelista and Tyra Banks got their start at NYC Fashion Week.
Additionally, many of the women you see strutting to the music you may never heard of. This is because they are new to modeling and have had the break of a lifetime by being asked to join the ranks of becoming a model for NYC Fashion Week. How did this come to be? How can an aspiring model join the ranks of the most coveted week in fashion?

Have well shot model digitals
It’s important to have a well thought out portfolio to showcase your best self in front of the camera. However, many casting directors and designers want to see you as a natural talent as well.
A fresh face with little to no makeup with downplayed clothing in a monochromatic color will highlight your natural look. Pull your hair back from your face as this will show your features without the aid of makeup and hair product.
Include multiple poses with close ups of your face as well as full body shots of your front side, back side and silhouette. These photos are not meant to convey style, but to feature your God given look in as natural a state as possible. Creative designers know what to do with your look once you are hired and have no problem making you shine to your full potential.
Get in touch with casting directors
Use email to contact casting directors for each brand that will be at fashion week. You can get a copy of the schedule for fashion week and who will be represented at FashionweekOnline.com.
Gather emails for each brand and construct a short and to the point email about your desire to represent the brand in the Fashion Week line up. Details your measurements, location and your experience. Include a few photos from your digitals so they have a reference. Follow up on your communication a few days later to ensure the email has been viewed. Call the corporate headquarters and try to get a phone number for the casting director so that you might further “interview” for the spot by having a conversation with the decision maker. Remember, the more your name is seen and heard, the better chance you have of getting a call back.
Follow designers on Social Media
Go to the official NYFW schedule and follow the designers on each social media platform. Comment often and link your profile in the comments. If you can add photos to your account of you wearing the particular designers brand, this can go a long way to showing you know how to represent the brand.
Check back everyday to see what each brand posts about upcoming casting calls and opportunities to get seen and noticed through interviews and call backs.
Update your portfolio
Every aspiring or working model should have a professional portfolio. This portfolio needs to include your best shots showcasing your unique beauty and the interesting way you can represent the brand. In order to do this, it is best to contact a professional photographer that has experience in shooting portfolios for models to either update or create a new portfolio. Professional modeling photographers have experience on all the best locations, venues and props and will have tips and tricks for you to get your best photos. Experienced photographers will direct you and give you guidance on how to get those incredible shots you need for your portfolio.
Consider modeling clothing and accessories from the brand that you want to work for at Fashion Week. Purchase a mix of products and ensure that you model these articles in a way that highlights their function. Study the poses of current models for that brand to get an idea of what they may be looking for.
You will also need to include a “Statistics ” section that will detail everything about your physical body. Include your height, weight, age, body measurements, and hair and eye color. You can also include any features that might help you stand out from the crowd.
Lastly, ensure that you have a great headshot or comp card. A comp card usually features four photos and your “Statistics” on one side and a headshot on the other side. This is your “calling card” and will make it easy for casting directors for the brand to see your measurements and your look. A comp card also simplifies a way to contact you.
Keep your socials neat and clean
Social Media is a blessing, but it can also be a curse. If you go to parties and snap pictures of you doing unflattering activities, this could be a problem when pursuing modeling in general. One of the first places a casting agent will check will be your social media channels so that the brand can ensure you will represent them in a healthy manner.
Visit all of your platforms and delete anything that is unflattering, oversharing or can put you in a negative light. Begin posting photos of you wearing clothing for the brand. Post everyday. Make videos and reels about you wearing and enjoying the clothing. Talk about how much you like it and all the positive aspects about the garment.
Follow celebrities and influencers that wear this brand. Consider collaborating with anyone that has similar content in order to get you noticed by the brand. Build your following and stay focused on your goal, which is to get noticed by casting directors for fashion week!
Don’t forget to connect with the best modeling agencies in New York City to see if they have any openings that might be a fit for you.
Persistence is key when it comes to modeling of any sort, whether it be commercial, print or runway modeling. Ensure that you are over communicating with the decision makers at NYC Fashion Week and you will see your hard work pay off.