You went to college and got your degree. You’ve had that big time corporate job and all the stress and accolades that come with it. You’re ready to try something new and totally out of your comfort zone and area of expertise. You’ve always secretly wanted to become a model, but life and responsibility got in the way and you swept that desire aside. However, there’s no better time than the present and the present is today.
However, you’re really not sure where to start. You’re not a spring chicken and you have a few years under your belt. But, with scientist revealing that thirty is the peak age for attractiveness and the population living longer, agencies love to represent the thirty and over population. There is a booming business for older and mature models and now is the time to get into the game.
Is 30 too late to become a model?
Not only is thirty not too late to become a model, but 30 is a great age to become a model. Gone are the days of the requirements of being a young eighteen in order to begin your career. There are plenty of jobs for those in the older crowd. From people in their thirties to those in their eighties, there is room for everyone and agencies and brands are even clamoring to sign these women, helping them to become a success in this fast-paced, competitive choice in careers.
What type of model should I strive to be?
There are several types of modeling that are great for people thirty and over. Fashion modeling usually has strict guidelines for their models that you may or may not fit into, yet there are many other types of modeling in which many people can become successful in at any age.
Commercial Modeling
Have you dreamed of being featured in your favorite brand’s catalog or posing for magazine advertisements? You may want to pursue print or commercial modeling. This type of modeling is probably the most in demand for a model thirty and over, so there will be plenty of jobs to go around.
Parts Modeling
Another great type of modeling for a model thirty and over is parts modeling. If you aren’t interested in showing your face but have nice marketable hands, feet or legs, consider modeling these parts. Companies that sell shoes, jewelry, gloves and cosmetics all have a need for this type of model. This type of modeling can also be a little less stressful in terms of competition and rejection.
Fitness Modeling
Fitness modeling isn’t just for the young hardbodies you see on Tik Tok and Instagram. From the almost $270 billion a year that Americans spend, it’s safe to say that there is a high demand for products and services in the fitness industry. The older generations not only have the income, but as age advances they are more motivated to spend that money on fitness and wellness. This is where you come in. Older people are sought after to represent the thousands of products and services that exist for this demographic and agencies have taken notice.
Promotional Modeling
Do you like interacting with people? Are you comfortable talking to someone about a product, offering them a trial and then gathering their reaction to the product? If so, promotional modeling may be for you. You will see promotional models at shopping malls and trade shows. This can be a fun way to get paid to not only model a product, but make commissions on what you sell.

What should I include in my portfolio?
A portfolio for a model thirty years of age and over won’t look too different from a younger model’s portfolio. However, including some of your life experiences can go a long way with brands and agencies if it is relevant to the job.
You will also want to include your best head shot, free of heavy make-up and looking as natural as possible. Getting a shot of your body type is also important and this is achieved by wearing tight fitting clothing in a photo so that agencies and brands can see how their clothing will fit you. Ensure that you also include a shot while smiling and a non-smiling photo.
Reveal your experience, hobbies and interests along with some interesting facts about yourself to create a well-rounded portfolio that is eye catching and memorable. This can set you apart from others, so make it compelling.
It is also important to develop an online portfolio that you can attach to your modeling social media channels. Direct agencies and brands to your online portfolio and your social media handles for your portfolio and more online photos.
Will partnering with a agency help me in my success?
Successful and reputable agencies all have a modeling division that represent models thirty and over. Apply to local agencies in your area as well as agencies in markets in which you are interested in working. Los Angeles, New York and Miami are all hubs for modeling. Send your portfolio to these agencies and follow up with a phone call to speak with a decision maker. This step in the process can be a grind but it is one of the most important parts in developing your career as a thirty and over model.
When speaking to an agency, be up front with what your goals are. If you have a full time job and only want to dabble in modeling, communicate this to the agency. If you are starting a whole new career and want to be sent every opportunity, make sure they also know this.
What are some ways to network in order to get jobs?
As you are working hard everyday to procure your dream, make sure you always gather contact information from anyone you meet. You never know when your new model friend may be able to recommend you for a job that she just got that needs another thirty and over model. Likewise, photographers are great resources for future jobs. Befriend and develop relationships with as many as possible and they may also recommend you for jobs.
Becoming a model at thirty and over can be an exciting career change. It generally won’t happen overnight, but by networking existing and new contacts and following a daily plan of action you can become a success in a new career that can be rewarding and a respite from the daily grind from which you need a change.